The Potato Girl ( Storyline ) Many people eat potatoes , either in the form of french fries or mash potatoes . A potato had been witnessing all these scenes where it sees it ’s comrades being eaten in the cruel ways . It felt a great fear in facing it’s destiny as a potato and it’s inner thought had created a miracle , which is why it turned into a potato girl in the next morning . It was so shocked yet happy as it thought that it doesn't need to be eaten like how it’s comrades were . Then again , it realized that there is a short amount of time ( maybe 9 am to 6 pm ) for it to continue being a human , meaning that it’s life is still on stack due to the period where it stays in the form of “ potato” . When it became a human again , it thought of taking revenge on humans who have been eating it’s fellow potatoes . But what can a powerless potato girl do to take revenge when she knows almost nothing in human world ? The best she could do to ...
Liam Yue Wei * Foundation In Design March 2016 * BA(Hons) Interactive Multimedia Design March 2017